TW: sexual violence.



The works earlier than 2019 are unfortunately lost.





2019, oil, canvas, 25*30, original is a part of Untergeschoss der Pandora gallery private collection.

This work transmits the feeling when you are coerced/forced to do deep throat. I felt like the pennis was about to penetrate my head and come out on the other side. That's not realistic, however, suffocation can happen, especially if one has problems with nose breathing (like I do). Before practising any kinks one must always discuss it and boundaries must be set, otherwise, it can be dangerous, as not all the bodies have the same capabilities (and not all the psyches have the same capabilities either). But it's not how it usually happens in sex with cis males - usually your head is just grabbed all of a sudden, and penis is just being pushed through your throat, without even any warnings. When you love someone you give consent to sex, and it is often understood as consent to doing anything to you. But sex and BDSM are different things, and require different kinds of consent.


2020, 29.6x64.5 cm, 50x70 framed, acrylic on paper, collage. Original avaible, prints avaible.

This is my impression of how men see women they find attractive in their system of promiscuity. Not only as toys and as disposable, it is a start but there is more to it. But also as creatures who are supposed to take their heart out to not feel anything, because our feelings are a burden for them. And that's not all - also as providers, who can bring them new women to toy with, especially if we are bisexual/pansexual, and if on top of that we are polyamorous, we are hundred percent viewed as potential pimps. Threesomes, orgies - promiscuous cis-hetero men are obsessed with it, it's what they think polyamory is, the concept of deeply caring about a few people at the same time is not comprehensible for them, as they struggle to deeply care even about one person. They always ask if we have a female friend who is also attractive and also "open-minded". Sometimes they ask if they also can bring a male friend who can fuck us. Basically, it is sex work, just for free, and we tolerate it because we love the man. And it is hard to get out of this bloody sea of abuse. You can only do it by stopping to be who you are.


2021, 35x25, oil, canvas on cardboard, original avaible, prints avaible.

This is a silly frog-human creature that can not speak, but thought that there was love and is in shock.


2022, ink, watercolour, charcoal pensils 30*25, original avaible, prints avaible. 

This painting is based on the feeling I had when my beloved finally messages me. I felt the pulsation of my heart even in my fingertips. Unfortunatelly it appeared that he messaged only to sexually exploit me again. Exactly what I was afraid of, happened.


2022, 15x15, acrylic on cardboard. Original sold, prints and stickers avaible.

A fairy creature suffering from lovesickness. All of these creatures are metaphors of me.