
Duration: 180 min

Location: Leverkusen Mitte

Leverkusen main station was built more than a year ago from the date when the performance happened, but an elevator or a ramp were still absent there. That makes it not accessible for wheelchair users.

When Illias needed to use the station they had to crawl, and somebody had to carry their wheelchair. But stairs were also never cleaned, so we brought water and soap and done it ourselves. It was very hard physically, but also for me it was an experince that helped me understand better the challanges that people with another kind of disabilities, in this case mobility limitations, face every day.

A security of german railways came to us and told that it is prohibited. Illias told, that he is free to call police if he wants. But he didn't do it.

The people passing by, on the other hand, reacted with support and encouragement, mostly they were getting our message and seconding how ridiculous it is that there is still no elevator.

After cleaning, gathering trash and throwing it into bin, we added some chalk paintings and signs to the design of the station.

This performance is about importance of accomodations in our daily life and importance of mutual support in disability community even if the accomodations we need differ. Your accomodations and my accomodations matter equally. There are many disabilities, some of them are visible, some not, some obvious and some hard to diagnose. Everyone will benefit from the elevator. As well everyone will benefit from creating a safe environment for neurodivergent and mentally ill people.



























Painting on the wall - Nik Maksimyk, Photo - Nik Maksimyuk, Signs design - Illias Emmanuil